The Free To Breathe Yogathon on Sunday was rad! Who knew I could have so much fun doing yoga? Oh, you did? Well, ok, you were right.
The energy and love in that room was indescribable. When everyone 'Ommmmmmed' (is there an actual word for that?) together I saw double rainbows and unicorns, y'all.
Here I am with some of the cast of All My Children. In the middle, with the pink headband, is Stephanie Gatschet, who played Madison North (you may also remember her as Tammy on Guiding Light). She organized the event to honor her Mom, a lung cancer survivor.

You can see more pictures from the event here.
My team raised the most money, with over $5,000 and I was the second place individual fundraiser with $2,500. They are still tallying the final amount raised by the event, but we've estimated close to $20,000!
Thanks to everyone who supported my efforts and/or donated. It was such a great day with rad people to benefit and wonderful cause!
I can't believe I'm even saying this, but I kinda dig yoga now and think I may keep doing it. Wait, what? Who am I?
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