I wore shoes today. Two of them. One of each foot. And they matched! 38 days of wearing one real shoe and one surgical shoe is enough for me.

And don't get me started on these booties!

Yesterday, after crutching through SF, and a couple Bart stations, I had to put on a glove in order to peel the disease-ridden bootie off my foot and then double garbage bagged it so I didn't catch Ebola.
On Thursday I had my 6 week post- op appointment. (Technically, it had only been 5 weeks, but I will be out of town next week.) They were impressed with my progress, namely by ability to bear weight, my pronation, and my dorsiflextion. I'm already meeting the 8-12 week goals! Brag
As you may recall, a few weeks ago, I said I wanted to be off my crutches by 6-8 weeks.
I'm already walking short distances without them and have decided Goal #1 of 2012 is to ditch these damn crutches. I've got 3 weeks to stay within my prediction that they'd be gone by 8 weeks, but really I'm hoping to be done with them a week from now.
Ready, set, GO.
Oh, also, I went on a nature walk today!
The first of many. I can't wait to put more miles on this foot.
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